Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Playing With Public Health

Yesterday, a handful of state legislators stood outside in the rain under a 25 foot inflated rubber duck to announce a bill that would protect Michigan's children from harmful chemicals and toxins in their environment. The legislators are concerned about toxic chemicals like arsenic, lead, and bromine.

Are they talking about the 4,000 chemical componds found in cigarettes? Will they be tackling the issue of secondhand smoke which contains 11 different human carcinogens?

No, they're dealing with toys. Now, don't get us wrong, we don't like toxic toys anymore than the next guy. We don't think hazardous chemicals belong in our childrens' toys anymore than we think they should be in their air. However, given the fact that a little over two weeks ago we were told that the most important thing on the Reps' agendas was the budget, we're a little miffed as to why these politicians could take the time to stage a publicity stunt.

Now at the start of the politicians' spring break, Ashtray Andy Dillon said that only important issues, like the budget, were to be tackled. In the last blog entry, we accused Dillon of playing games with public health. We didn't know he'd take us so seriously as to actually drag out some toys.

Let the Speaker know that it's time to put away childish things and start dealing with a public health concern that truly impacts all of Michigan's children, whether they're 1 or 100 - second hand smoke. If he's got the time for "fun" press conferences and giant rubber ducks, surely he has time to hear from you.

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